Testimonials & Endorsements

University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly

“The UHPA feels strongly that Rick can best meet the needs not only for Honolulu but for the faculty of the University of Hawai‘i as well.”
– Christian Fern, UHPA’s Executive Director

United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 480

“Rick Blangiardi shares in our belief that TOGETHER today, there will be a better City tomorrow.”

– Pat Loo, President of UFCW 480

Heat & Frost Allied Workers Local 132

“We trust Rick’s leadership skills will encourage the community to make fundamental changes we sorely need. Having served as President on the Aloha Council and Chair of the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, he was able to see where help is needed. We witnessed his ability to empower businesses out of unfortunate circumstances. Rick has the charisma, heart, and experience to lead us to a bright future.”

– Douglas Fulp, International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers Local 132, Business Manager and Financial Secretary

Operating Engineers

“Rick understands the immense value a community workforce agreement brings to the city of Honolulu. We look forward to working with Rick as the new Mayor of Honolulu.”

– Ana Tuiasosopo, Sr., Operating Engineers Local 3, Secretary and District Representative

Hawaii Regional Council of Carpenters

“Our union recognizes the impact Rick will have as Mayor. Throughout his career, Rick Blangiardi has shown he can get the job done, no matter how difficult or challenging the circumstances are. He is the type of leader our city needs right now: tough enough to make the difficult decisions and caring enough to make them for the right reasons.”

– Ronald Taketa, HRCC Executive Secretary Treasurer

International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU)

“As a former University of Hawaiʻi football player and coach, Rick understands the value of teamwork and will work with all stakeholders to make Oʻahu a better place. Rick has the experience, dedication, and passion to move Honolulu forward during these difficult times and will be strong voice for all of us.”
– Michael Yamaguchi, ILWU Local 142 Oʻahu Division Director

“Rick Blangiardi is the leader Honolulu needs now. We need a Mayor that can tackle the vast challenges that lie ahead and not be afraid to make difficult decisions. Rick Blangiardi has the experience and skill set to navigate Honolulu through these difficult and turbulent times and will be a strong voice for working families.”
– William “Baba” Haole, ILWU Local 142 Longshore Division Director


Colleen Hanabusa

“Building public confidence and faith in government is a great challenge for the next Mayor. We need someone who can make hard decisions and stand by those decisions. That is what we have in Rick Blangiardi and the reason why I am supporting him to be our next Mayor.”

Vicky Cayetano

“Rick has a wonderful combination of being very confident but also being very humble. He’s inspirational and brings the best out in people. I like that he has so much experience outside of politics. We can’t do the ‘same old, same old’…and Rick Blangiardi is anything but the ‘same old, same old’!”

Henry Kapono

“The choices we make today will affect our future and our home in the islands. I’ve known Rick for years. I know his heart and what he can do. It’s all about you…and me…and our children.”

Art Ushijima

“Of all the times we’ve needed a great mayor, it’s right now. Rick has a broad experience in business and broadcasting, but also as a coach. He’s a team builder. He brings people together, gets their input, and finds solutions. He has an amazing ability to do that. And to get the job done.”

State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers (SHOPO)

“We reviewed the qualifications of the leading candidates, and our decision was unanimous to support Rick Blangiardi to be the next mayor of Honolulu. Our members put themselves on the line every day, often having to make difficult decisions in the moment to protect and serve our community. We believe these are qualities we need in the next mayor, especially given the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, we believe we will need a leader who will bring the community together for the long recovery ahead. Rick has demonstrated he is capable of making tough decisions throughout his successful career in the private sector. He has also shown how building effective teams is the foundation for success – from his football days at the University of Hawaii to running large and complex organizations.”

– Malcolm Lutu, SHOPO President

Meet Rick.

Born with a gift to inspire others, Rick Blangiardi has dedicated his life to mentoring athletes, journalists, and young people. From locker rooms to board rooms, Rick’s passionate leadership has brought out the best in people for 50 years.

An inspiring and highly effective leader, his passion is infectious to everyone he engages. His ability to drive positive change by bringing out the best in people is his trademark.

Rick at KHON2 in the control room

A Familiar Face.

Rick has been a familiar face on television as General Manager of Hawaii News Now, KGMB and KHNL. His Local Connections editorials have stimulated needed community conversation, and spurred action on critical issues facing our islands. He put a spotlight on the plight of Hawai‘i’s homeless, Honolulu’s rail transit, and helped raise awareness in the battle against domestic violence and sexual abuse. He also shared Hawai‘i with the world, like the 2017 homecoming of Hokule‘a when millions watched across the globe on television, web and mobile platforms across the globe.

The Early Years.

Rick grew up in a working-class Boston family, that moved to Honolulu in 1965 when his dad was transferred to be a machinist at Pearl Harbor. Rick played football at the University of Hawai‘i Manoa, and after graduation, he spent seven years as a college football coach, the last five of those at UH.

As a new young father, he made the financial decision to leave football in 1977 and began selling commercials for KGMB. He found his calling in television, going on to found KHNL, bring live UH sports into living rooms statewide, and attract attention from mainland broadcast corporations.

A Successful Career.

After successful assignments in Seattle, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, Rick became president of Telemundo, America’s second-largest Hispanic network, which he led to even greater success (even though Rick doesn’t speak Spanish.) But Rick’s heart was still in Hawai‘i, and he returned home in 2002 to create Hawaii News Now, where he encouraged a culture of service in the workplace and made community the foundation of his leadership.


Community, Service, Family.

Rick has served as President for the Aloha Council, Boy Scouts of America, Chair of the Hawai‘i Chamber of Commerce, President of Na Koa, Trustee for the Hawai‘i Public Schools Foundation, Board Member for the YMCA of Honolulu, the American Red Cross, and the Hawai‘i Food Bank, and has earned numerous honors for his leadership and service to his community.

Rick has led a life of uncompromising service to Hawai‘i, his colleagues and especially his family. He has two sons, a daughter, and five grandchildren. Rick lives in Honolulu with his wife Karen Chang.